דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

Neuropsychology Unit

Neuropsychology is a unique field in Psychology that deals with the relationship between brain and functioning. In fact, almost all areas of cognitive, behavioral and emotional functioning are influenced by the processes and structures in the human brain. Each of these areas could change following a change in the brain and any such change challenges the brain’s resources. The Neuropsychologist focuses on understanding the way in which brain functioning influences a person’s ability to function at work, at home and in school.

Children suspected of having an organic deficiency in their brain are referred to the Neuropsychology Unit at Shaare Zedek Medical Center. This deficiency can manifest itself in difficulties in acquiring a spoken or written language, visual, auditory or sensory perception problems, attention deficit, hyperactivity, fine or gross motor challenges or behavioral, academic and emotional problems. The cognitive and behavioral foundation stones, in the brain, fuse together to create a building into whose rooms the Neuropsychologist attempts to enter.

Adults also develop and learn, and new experiences leave their impression on every brain. However, the brain’s development in childhood is extra special. Layer after layer, specialties are created in the child’s brain cells. He or she learns to move limbs at will, later acquiring language, learning to accomplish fine tasks and to regulate behavior and feelings. This process begins while the fetus is in its mother’s womb and continues throughout the childhood years. When the child’s brain structure or process is damaged, we need to remember two important points: one is that the child’s brain is far more flexible than the adult’s and is capable of finding better replacements for the damaged area. The second is that there are still functions the child has to acquire and which could be missing once he or she has acquired greater and more complex functioning.

The aim of Neuropsychological diagnosis is to scientifically and professionally identify the subject’s strengths and weaknesses and to build a cognitive, didactic, behavioral and emotional profile. Usually, the evaluation involves an initial getting-to-know-you session, two-three diagnostic sessions and a summary meeting.

The diagnosis is compiled from cognitive, behavioral, didactic and emotional tests all aimed at evaluating how the subject solves academic and social problems.

During the diagnosis, the subject undergoes tests which examine the range of motor activities, grapho-motor functioning (writing), perceptual abilities, language, memory, attention and lofty and emotional functioning. Tests are administered in a pleasant, non-stressful atmosphere by skilled diagnostic testers. Throughout the evaluation we show the child his or her abilities and strengths so that the process serves to reinforce self-worth.

After the tests, the child and parents meet with the Neuropsychologist who explains the results and recommends a detailed rehabilitation program. Later, there is close monitoring in applying the recommendations and of the child’s progress, while the child and the family can also ask for help and support from the Unit as needed. If the diagnostic recommendations include treatment – cognitive, psychological, rehabilitative or developmental, you can receive this service in our clinic.

The Neuropsychological Unit operates from a holistic treatment perspective in which the child is part of the family and academic framework and so the parents also receive guidance and assistance and, if necessary, the Unit contacts the school and other treatment providers (coordinated with the parents and with their approval.)