דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

Nutritional Considerations During Adolescence


Introduction: The period of adolescence begins around the ages of 12-10 for girls and 14-13 for boys. It's characterized by rapid growth rates, which correspondingly increase nutritional needs. Various factors influence adolescents' food choices, including family eating habits, peer influences, exposure to advertisements, and media programs.

Media and Social Pressure: The emphasis in society and media on body image and the changes occurring in the body during adolescence can lead to heightened self-image concerns, dieting behaviors, and shifts in eating habits. Creating a supportive home environment, family meals, encouraging nutritious eating through informed discussions, are methods that can aid in promoting healthy eating habits. Ensuring a regular intake of carbohydrates is of utmost importance, as they provide calories crucial for brain function, concentration, learning, memory, and physical activity.

Nutritional Requirements and Development: During this phase of development, the body requires a substantial amount of protein to build muscle mass and support hormonal and enzymatic functions. Fat is also essential, being a primary component of cell membranes and involved in various metabolic processes.

Bone Health and Calcium Intake: Bone mass gradually builds up during this developmental stage, reaching its peak around the ages of 20-25, after which a steady decline in bone density begins. It's essential to create optimal conditions during this period to achieve maximum bone density and prevent conditions like osteoporosis in adulthood. Dairy products containing calcium and vitamin D are highly recommended during this time, along with other foods rich in these nutrients. Checking vitamin D levels in blood and supplementing if necessary is advisable to prevent not only bone health issues but also various diseases later in life.

Blood Volume and Iron Requirements: Blood volume increases during adolescence, which also leads to higher iron requirements. Zinc is vital for proper cell division.

Conclusion: Adolescence is a critical period for growth and development, both physically and nutritionally. Promoting a balanced diet, maintaining bone health through adequate calcium and vitamin D intake, and ensuring sufficient iron and zinc are crucial factors in supporting overall well-being during this transitional phase. Regular medical check-ups and consultations with healthcare professionals can help tailor nutrition to meet individual needs and ensure optimal development and health.