דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

The Unit for Urinary Tract and Genital Tumors

The unit provides care for patients with various malignancies in the urinary and reproductive system, including kidney cancer, cancers of the urinary tract (renal pelvis, ureter, and bladder), prostate cancer, and testicular cancer (germ cell tumors).

The vision of the unit for the treatment of urological and reproductive system tumors (urological oncology) is to place the patient at the center while considering the person as a whole, with an emphasis on their physical and emotional well-being. We offer personalized care and support to the patients and their families throughout the entire journey, from diagnosis to treatment decision-making, treatment, and follow-up.

The role of the medical team in the unit for the treatment of urological and reproductive system tumors includes managing the treatment and setting the treatment guidelines for patients with these growths, including formulating recommendations for follow-up and care. The team consists of a medical secretary, a coordinating nurse, and research coordinators. We collaborate with the Integrative Medicine Unit, which allows for consultations and integrated treatments, the Palliative Care Unit, supportive care, spiritual counseling, psychotherapy, and the social work team. Inpatients receiving day hospitalization treatment are accompanied by a personal nurse.

Activities of the unit for the treatment of urological and reproductive system tumors:

1. Oncological Treatment: The unit for urological and reproductive system tumors (urological oncology) provides patients with the best-accepted treatments available in leading medical centers worldwide.

2. Participation in Research: The unit conducts clinical trials with new medications aiming to try and improve treatment outcomes, providing patients with the opportunity to receive innovative therapies.

3. Multidisciplinary Meetings: Regular multidisciplinary meetings are held in which other physicians participate, combining different specialties and departments, including radiation oncology, urology, imaging, pathology, and nuclear medicine. During these meetings, cases are presented, and comprehensive discussions lead to treatment recommendations and follow-up, creating a multidisciplinary perspective for the oncology patient.

4. Education: The unit's team is involved in training oncology residents, interns, and medical students. Throughout the year, the unit's team conducts meetings and training sessions for community physicians, aiming to establish collaboration and a strong connection between the hospital and the community, enhancing the quality of care for the patients.