דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy


The Endoscopic Unit at the Shaare Zedek Medical Center, one of the newest in the country, stands at the heart of the Surgical-Gastro Institute. A skilled staff conducts dozens of endoscopic tests every day to check patients’ digestive tracks and to perform various procedures such as biopsies, removing polyps, stopping bleeding, etc.
The tests are conducted using a pipe-like device which has a camera at one end. This camera relays pictures back to a doctor watching on screen.
We perform non-urgent and urgent examinations to all sections of the population, from babies to the elderly. If necessary, we can carry out the tests while the patient is under anesthetic.
Apart from the ‘routine’ tests, the Institute also conducts special examinations such as:
• Simulations of the biliary tract and pancreas using an ultrasound device attached to the end of the endoscope. This allows precise structural assessment within the digestive area.
• ERCP, a procedure that screens the biliary duct, expands narrow points and lays stents (small plastic tubes that keep passages open)
• Cutting complex polyps
• RFA, Radiofrequency Ablation, a procedure used to burn mucus and reduce pain
• Endoscopic treatments for weight loss, morbid obesity and Esophageal pH (measuring acid in the esophagus, specifically in cases of reflux)
• Endoscopic tests in the small and large intestines using Double Balloon technology

Information for Patients

Information for Patients