דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Unit

This unit treats all diseases connected to the eye sockets, the soft tissues around the eyes and the tear ducts. We treat both children and adults and work in close cooperation with other hospital departments, particularly ER, ENT, and Plastic Surgery.

Oculoplastic Treatment for Children

  • Blockage of the tear ducts. Approximately 50% of babies are born with tear duct blockage. Surgical treatment for this kind of problem usually begins from the age of 12 months, since in the majority of cases the ducts eventually open naturally, without any need for medical intervention. The treatment involves washing the ducts and then opening them and inserting a thin silicon tube for six months. They are then removed. There is a very high rate of success for this treatment among children aged 1-3. From age three, the percentage drops significantly because the ducts will have degenerated. These children will need more complex surgery to create new tear ducts.
  • Ptosis (drooping eyelids). This problem is characterized by a congenital weakness of the levator muscle, the muscle that raises the upper eyelid. The decision whether to operate depends on how far the eyelid is drooping. Delaying surgery could lead to an irreversible state of lazy eye (amblyopia).
  • Glaucoma. Structural damage in the corner of the eye. This area has the important function of draining eye fluids, and any damage to it can cause increased pressure within the eye. This in turn can lead to optical nerve damage, impair sight and even lead to blindness. Symptoms of glaucoma include the eye growing bigger and the cornea becoming swollen and cloudy with a bluish hue. Other early signs include unusual sensitivity to light and increased tearing. Treating children with glaucoma is different from treating adults and usually involves surgery at the earliest possible opportunity.
  • Moloscum. This is a disease arising from a virus-induced infection in the skin glands around the eyelids. The treatment is generally inserting a needle to drain the inflamed area.
    Stye. There are two types of styes (lumps) – on or in the eyelid. The more common stye, on the eyelid, is treated with creams. The other type, also known as chalazion, is recognized by a reddening of the area and pain caused by a blockage in the draining of one of the eyelid’s milk ducts. In these cases, most of the surgical treatments on children are performed under general anesthetic.

Oculoplastic Treatment for Adults

Common problems among adults are largely connected to the wear and tear of various eye parts, including changes in eyelid tissue, which cause the eyelids to become much weaker and consequently lead to inflammation, dryness and other problems.

  • Natural drooping of the eyelids, usually the upper ones.
    Drooping of excess eyelid skin.
  • Fat accumulation in the eye socket. Generally caused by Thyroid Eye Disease (TED).
  • Problems in the tear ducts, such as excess tearing (watery eye) or under tearing leading to nausea and dryness. The unit offers a variety of treatments for these issues.
  • Tear duct blockage. Can be caused by allergies, styes, tumors on the eyelids, other tumors in the eye area, eyelash growth problems or infection in the eyelids.

Esthetic Treatments

  • Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty) – for correcting drooping eyelids and swelling in the lower eyelids.