דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

Mohs Clinic

Mohs surgery is a special and very effective technique for removing skin tumors. The method was developed and first presented by Dr. Frederic Mohs from the University of Wisconsin in 1930, and is now used by doctors all over the world.

Mohs surgery is different from other surgical techniques in that it allows for immediate and complete microscopic examination of the removed tumor tissue and so ensures the full removal of all its roots and branches. The success rate of this surgery in removing tumors and preventing their recurrence – 99% – is the highest among all current skin cancer treatments.

The method is designed to treat Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC), chiefly around the face, head and neck. It can also be used to treat recurrent tumors of this type or those that appear in other parts of the body.

Mohs surgery is included in the health basket for tumors in the facial, head and neck areas, but is also approved in special cases for removing tumors in other parts of the body as well.
The operation is performed under local anesthetic in an ambulatory framework (ie. the patient can walk in and out without hospitalization), and in most cases, the Mohs surgeon conducts full esthetic reconstruction of the affected area.

Shaare Zedek has a team of surgeons specially trained to practice Mohs surgery, general dermatology and skin histopathology. They are supported by a skilled staff of nurses, tissue processing technicians and a special laboratory enabling the examination of the tissue in its entirety.