דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

Tonsil Removal Surgery

To the child and their parents,

Greetings, the purpose of this information page is to provide you with details that will help you navigate through the hospitalization and recovery period in the best and safest way possible.

This document does not replace the explanations given by the doctor and nurse, nor does it substitute for the surgical consent form.

Diagram - Tonsil Removal Surgery


Tonsils are a pair of lymphatic organs located in the throat area and are part of the body's defense system. They have an almond-like shape, hence their name. Tonsillectomy is performed in cases of enlarged tonsils causing blockage and breathing difficulties or recurrent infections.

Although these surgeries are generally successful, as with any surgery, there may be unexpected side effects or complications such as pain, dryness, or bleeding, which may require a return to the operating room.

Before the Surgery:

- Your child will be asked to undergo blood tests under the healthcare plan.
- If there are any underlying medical conditions, you will be asked to provide additional medical authorizations, such as from a cardiologist or a treating physician. Please bring all these documents to the preoperative clinic.

At the Preoperative Clinic:

The preoperative clinic process takes several hours. Please be prepared accordingly.
- Your child will be examined by an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist, who will explain the nature of the surgery and ask you to sign the surgery consent form.
- After that, you will go to the pediatric surgical department on the 6th floor of the next building. There, a nurse will assess your child's condition and explain what to expect before and after the surgery. The nurse will also answer any questions you may have about the surgery day until the discharge home.
- At the educational center, you can receive personalized instructions from teachers to prepare your child for the surgery, tailored to their age.
- A pediatric anesthesiologist will examine your child, explain the purpose of anesthesia, and have you sign the anesthesia consent form.
- Once the admission process is completed, you will return home, and we will contact you to schedule the surgery date.

The Evening Before the Surgery:

- Please make sure your child is thoroughly bathed.
- The surgery is performed on an empty stomach. Follow these guidelines:
- Solid food and formula should be stopped six hours before the surgery.
- Breastfeeding should be stopped four hours before the surgery.
- Clear fluids (water, sugar water, tea with sugar, herbal tea) should be stopped two hours before the surgery.
- For additional specific instructions regarding your child, you will receive guidance from the preoperative clinic.
- Prepare necessary items for the hospitalization, such as diapers, wipes, and the baby's formula. For older children, consider bringing their favorite toy or comfort item and indoor shoes.

On the Surgery Day:

- Please arrive at the pediatric surgical department on the 6th floor at the appointed time given at the preoperative clinic.
- Your child should remain fasting.
- Your child will be asked to wear a hospital gown without underwear. For infants, diapers can be left on.
- Upon admission, your child's temperature will be measured, and a name tag will be attached to them. Please verify the details on the tag.
- At the designated time, a representative will accompany you to the operating room.
- Do not leave any valuables in the ward while you are away.

In the Operating Room and Recovery Room:

- Sterile clothes will be provided for you to wear when accompanying your child to the operating room. After your child falls asleep, you will be asked to leave to the waiting room.
- After the surgery, your child will be moved to the recovery room, where you can enter and stay with your child until they are transferred to the ward.
- In the recovery room, a nurse will monitor blood pressure, pulse, and any bleeding.
- If your child experiences pain, you can request pain relievers and medication to alleviate nausea and prevent vomiting.

In the Ward:

- Your child will receive intravenous hydration until they can drink freely.
- Pain medication will be given every four hours.
- Your child can have cold drinks. Afterward, they can have soft, cool foods like ice cream, dairy desserts, cheese, etc. The ward offers ice cream and dairy desserts. If your child has a favorite treat, you can bring it to promote their recovery. There is a special refrigerator for families of hospitalized children.
- During the hospitalization, we will monitor pain, fluid intake, and bleeding.
- Meals will be provided three times a day. Your child will receive cool, soft food to prevent bleeding.
- Doctors' visits are usually in the morning between 08:00 and 09:00. During these hours, please stay by your child's bed.
- The hospital operates an educational center open in the morning and evening, offering various activities for children.
- The organization "Ezer Metzion" distributes warm meals to families in the early afternoons every day, except Fridays and Saturdays.
- There is a cafeteria on the 4th floor, selling ice cream and slushies.
- Parking in the hospital parking lots is managed by an external contractor. Please keep the receipt to allow re-entry on the same day.


- Discharge is determined by the ENT doctor based on your child's condition, particularly regarding the amount of fluid intake and the ability to eat.
- You will receive a discharge letter with recommendations for further care at home. Additionally, you should schedule a follow-up appointment with the ENT clinic at phone number 02-6555999. Please arrive at the appointment with the appropriate referral.
- If any issues arise, you can call the pediatric surgical department at 02-6666147 or 02-6555547.

How to Act at Home:

- It is essential to continue following the instructions given in the discharge letter.
- Inform your family doctor about the surgery your child underwent.
- Make sure to use pain medications such as Optalgin or Acamol as prescribed by the doctor.
- Avoid using medications like Voltaren, Ibuprofen, Norofen, Aspirin, or Advil that may cause bleeding.
- Ensure your child stays well-hydrated to prevent dryness and bleeding.
- Your child should remain home for a week under your supervision.

In the First Two Weeks After Surgery:

- Make sure to maintain a fluid or soft diet, keeping it as cool as possible. Ice cream and slushies are highly recommended.
- Avoid eating hard foods that may cause injury to the surgical area.
- Rest as much as possible during these two weeks, avoid strenuous physical activities, and stay away from hot places.
- Gradually return to a regular diet according to the doctor's instructions.
- If any bleeding occurs or you suspect that your child is drinking too little (concern about dehydration), please contact the triage room immediately.