דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

Shaare Zedek Medical Center is affiliated with a full academic syncope for the Hebrew University and Hadassah School of Medicine. In our department, a wide range of academic and instructional activities are conducted, including resident instruction, student teaching, research, presentations at conferences in Israel and abroad, publication of articles, meetings, and video conferences with medical centers in the United States, and more.

A. Resident Instruction:

In our department, great emphasis is placed on resident training, empowering them with theoretical and practical knowledge, and preparing them for residency exams. In addition to bedside teaching during visits, instruction in workgroups and special sessions (see section 3-Z), and practical instruction during procedures and surgeries, the following activities are conducted:

1) Resident Lectures - On predetermined topics, accompanied by a senior physician.

2) Review of SESAP Questions - By topics.

3) Periodic Multiple Choice Exam - By topics, followed by result analysis and studying answers.

4) Guided visits for residents - Based on topics, conducted by a senior physician.

5) Guest lectures by distinguished professors from Israel and abroad who are considered leaders in their fields.

6) VIDEO sessions - Our department is the only one in Israel participating in the Surgical Innovations forum, alongside approximately 20 surgical departments on the East Coast of the United States, such as Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins, Lahey Clinic, Mt. Sinai, Beth Israel, Cornell, and others. Additionally, we maintain close ties with the oncology department at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York.

B. Student Teaching:

We receive three groups of medical students throughout the year from the Hebrew University's School of Medicine in Jerusalem. The residents actively participate in this teaching, which constitutes an essential part of medical education.

C. Basic Science Research:

All residents conduct research in collaboration with mentors from other departments (as required by the Scientific Council). There is a variety of possible areas and topics for research in different fields, such as urology, gastroenterology, vascular surgery, and more, including basic/molecular research and clinical studies.

D. Clinical Research:

At any given time, several clinical research projects involving residents are ongoing in the department. The residents present the findings at various conferences in Israel and abroad, with aspirations for publication in medical journals.

E. Academic Appointments:

We regularly participate in teaching medical students in years 4 and 5, both in introductory lectures to clinical medicine and in lectures and tutorials for rotation groups in the department. Every resident who demonstrates academic interest and research potential is eligible for an academic appointment on behalf of the School of Medicine.

Training Structure:

According to the regulations of the Scientific Council of the Israeli Medical Association, the duration of surgical residency is 6 years, including 6 months of basic science and a year of elective rotations in other departments. During the residency here, a rotation in general surgery, vascular surgery, and pediatric surgery is mandatory, with consideration given to a senior rotation. However, any resident who chooses other rotations will be positively assessed in accordance with the instructions of the Scientific Council.

A. Fellowship in Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York:

We have a long-standing agreement with the surgical department at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York, which allows any resident who successfully completes the USMLE exam (all three parts) to spend a year of residency at Mt. Sinai. This period is recognized by the Scientific Council as part of the residency in our department. This rotation is of great importance in terms of clinical exposure and learning about work practices in American hospitals.

B. Chief Resident:

During the final year of residency, the resident serves as the Chief Resident, assuming overall responsibility for the department. They assist junior residents in simple surgeries, perform complex surgeries under the guidance of a senior physician, and initiate quality improvement processes.

C. Special Training and Courses During Residency:

* Animal Laboratory - where principles of endoscopic surgery are practiced, and various endoscopic surgeries are performed, depending on the stage of residency.

* Minimally Invasive Surgery Fellowships Abroad - Short fellowships in one of the leading endoscopic surgery training centers abroad. Workshops in endoscopic surgery are also conducted in Israel throughout the year.

* Simulation corner for practicing endoscopic surgery techniques - The simulator is located in the department and is intended for regular use and practice of skills by the residents. The goal is to adopt the SAGES syllabus (Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons) and perform the FLS exam to track the acquisition of these skills.

Department Structure:

The department is the largest in the city, comprising 72 beds, divided into 3 sub-departments, each with a permanent team of senior physicians and residents rotating between the sub-departments. The department includes several Centers of Excellence, such as Advanced Endoscopic Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, IBD Center, Liver, Heart, and Lung Surgery, Breast Surgery, Bariatric Surgery, and Trauma Unit.

The annual number of surgeries in our department approaches 5,000!

The group of residents in the department is very cohesive, with a pleasant atmosphere of collaboration, mutual assistance, and camaraderie. Therefore, any resident who chooses to specialize in this department must integrate into this atmosphere.

Good luck,
Prof. Patachia Reisman

Publications of doctors

Professor Patachia Reisman – Head of the Department of Surgery


Textbooks Edited:

Reoperative Abdominal Surgery.

S Mizrahi, H Polk jr., P Reissman. (editors),

J P Medical Publishers, © 2014 JP Medical Ltd.

Published by JP Medical Ltd, 83 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0HW, UK