דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

First Use of Contraceptive Pills for Adolescent Girls

Contraceptive pills are the safest way to prevent pregnancy and the most highly recommended method for adolescents and young women. In treating this age group the preference is usually for low-dosage hormonal preparations, which are safer and also come with relatively fewer side effects such as nausea or headaches.

Furthermore, the fact that these pills are taken consistently (every day of the month) helps avoid confusion and maintain routine.

Hormonal contraceptives take different forms: pills (taken orally), skin stickers, a vaginal ring, or injections. Pills are usually the first option, with the exact type depending on the girl’s medical background and other factors. Sometimes, owing to side effects, it is necessary to try different types in order to find which works best for you.

Teenage girls considering taking pills for the first time often face emotional or practical difficulties in obtaining a prescription. They don’t always know where they can get a prescription, and are scared or embarrassed to ask their parents for help. They may even be wary of asking the family doctor, for fear of their parents finding out, and are not familiar with a gynecologist who can give them what they need.

Conversations with friends or relatives may expose them to superstitions or myths about pills affecting fertility or having damaging long-term effects, or other scary stories about complications and terrifying side effects. The occasional news item citing blood clots or even death as a result of contraceptive pills compounds the uncertainty, concern and confusion.

Pills do indeed raise the risk of clotting (thrombosis), but for girls they are considered very safe (unless there is a family history of someone at a young age experiencing excess clotting, thrombosis in the arms or legs, or in the lungs, strokes or heart attacks). If for any reason pills are not an option, the doctor will suggest alternative options.

Parents also find it difficult to initiate conversations about sexual relations and contraception. There are those who believe such conversations will  encourage sexual activity. However, avoiding the topics or making negative or cynical remarks can have the effect of creating barriers, such that girls who might otherwise have turned to their parents will choose not to. Ignoring the issue will not prevent the adolescent from engaging in intimacy; it is likely to result in unprotected sex, with the attendant risk of unwanted pregnancy.

Unfortunately, many young girls do not use any contraception when they first have sex. Apart from the health dangers, unprotected sex can cause (well-justified) stress and affect enjoyment. When considering using pills, it is advisable to turn to a parent or older female relative and ask for help in obtaining a prescription. If this is not possible, you can still turn to a nurse, a family doctor or a gynecologist, who can also help create a channel of communication with your parents, if necessary.

It is important to note that in addition to their role in preventing pregnancy, another benefit of contraceptive pills is that they reduce the amount and duration of bleeding during your period. Hence they help maintain the body’s iron reserves, reduce the number of tampons or sanitary pads needed during your period and prevent “leakage” on underwear, clothes or bedding. Contraceptive pills are also very effective in easing period pains, thereby reducing consumption of painkillers. Studies also show that use of the pills lowers the risk of ovarian and cervical cancer (in older women).

In summary, for adolescent girls who are ready to become sexually active, it is crucial to plan ahead. It is preferable to involve an adult you trust but you can also contact a doctor or gynecologist on your own. As intimidating as it may seem to use the pill, it is much better than finding yourself with an unwanted pregnancy. You can ask the doctor for low-dosage pills that are meant to be taken every day, so that it becomes part of your routine and involves minimum calculation and confusion.

To parents – we recommend initiating dialogue about sexual relations and contraceptives. The first chat can be general and can take place even if you are sure that “my daughter is not even thinking about it yet.” The purpose of such a talk is to open a line of communication, encouraging the girl to feel free to talk to her parents if and when the need arises.