דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

Pediatric Radiology

CT is an excellent imaging examination that provides a lot of diagnostic information. The process involves ionizing radiation therefore it is done only when necessary, especially in children.

The Imaging Division at Shaare Zedek Medical Center has an advanced Flash CT device that allows for a fast examination at a very high resolution and with minimal radiation, all thanks to the unique technology of the device (dual energy). For example, we can perform an abdominal or pulmonary CT on an infant in 0.6 seconds instead of the 8-10 seconds it takes other devices.
Due to the high speed, in many cases there's no need for sedation. In case sedation is needed, the examination will be performed with the assistance of a skilled anesthesiologist.
Some examinations are done with contrast (as per the request of the referring physician). The contrast is given orally or intra-venally, according to the type of examination.

The examination process

Without sedation

  • To schedule an appointment, please contact the CT Unit at 02-6555795. You'll be asked to fax the referral you received from the primary physician.
  • On the day of the examination, please come to the CT Unit on the 2nd floor to open a file.
  • When your appointment arrives, you'll be escorted into the exam room. The parents can remain with the child during the examination (except pregnant mothers) while wearing a protective apron. The examination is very quick and isn't painful.
  • You're free to go home immediately after the examination.

With sedation

  • Please fax your referral to 02-6666097. The fax will be handed to a pediatric radiologist. Later you will be contacted to set an appointment and receive instructions.
  • On the day of the examination, please come to the Surgical Day Hospital on the 2nd floor, where you'll meet the anesthesiologist. He'll insert an IV into the child's arm in preparation for the sedation. After that you'll be escorted to the CT Unit.
  • When your appointment arrives, your child will be escorted into the exam room. The examination is very quick and isn't painful. The sedation will be administered in the exam room by the anesthesiologist.
  • Shortly after the examination the child will wake up and after a short stay at the Surgical Day Hospital the anesthesiologist will discharge him/her.

The results of the CT will be done within a few days.
You can receive a CD with the images at the end of the examination.

Information for Patients

Information for Patients