דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

Small Bowel MRI (MRE)

MRI examination of the abdomen for demonstrating the small intestine (Magnetic Resonance Enterography - MRE) provides an overall view of the abdominal cavity with a focus on the small intestine. Patient cooperation is essential for the success of the examination, including fasting for 6 hours before the test and arriving at the institute at least two hours before the scheduled time for preparation. If the patient has undergone an MRE examination in the past, it is advisable to bring the disc with the previous examination or its results.

The MRI examination is performed using a high-intensity magnetic field, so no metal objects should be brought into the room. Before the examination, the patient will be asked to fill out a questionnaire to ensure that there are no electronic devices, metal objects (such as an old clip), pacemakers, or hearing aids in their body that could pose a risk during the examination. Additionally, it is prohibited to enter the MRI room if the patient swallowed an endoscopic capsule (camera pill) or a dummy capsule that is sometimes given before swallowing the actual camera pill.

Attention: The MRE examination is not suitable for diabetic patients. Diabetic patients should inform the staff to receive a referral for the appropriate examination.

Preparation for the examination:

  1.  Fasting is required for 6 hours before the examination. If you take medications at regular times, you can take them with a small amount of water.
  2.  Please arrive two hours before the scheduled time to allow for proper arrangements: registration, filling out forms, and drinking.
  3. During the preparation for the examination, you will be asked to wear a gown, and an enema will be administered to aid in highlighting and expanding the intestine for better visualization. The medical staff at the MRI institute will provide precise instructions for the required drinking pace. Drinking the entire amount within the allocated time is crucial for the success of the examination, so even if you feel nauseous or full, try to finish all the liquid as instructed.
  4. About an hour and a half before the examination, you will be asked to go to the restroom and empty your bladder.

Examination process:

  1. The examination takes approximately 40 minutes and is performed while lying on your abdomen without moving. Periodically, you will be asked to hold your breath for short periods of about 20 seconds. During the examination, a substance that slows down bowel movement will be injected, followed by a contrast material that aids in highlighting changes related to inflammation.
  2.  After the examination, for about an hour and a half, you may feel an urge to use the restroom, and loose stools may occur. This is a normal reaction to the liquid you drank before the examination. It is advisable to stay close to the restroom for about an hour after the examination (the timeframe is subjective and depends on your feelings).

Please note that adult patients who come to the examination alone and need to drive back from the hospital should consider that the total stay at the hospital may reach about 4 hours. After the examination, you can eat and drink as usual.

Examination results:

At the end of the examination, you will receive a CD containing the recorded images of the examination.