דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

The CT Institute at the Shaare Zedek Medical Center performs body imaging using advanced equipment enabling fast and accurate scanning with minimum radiation.

The Institute has two machines:

  • A Siemens Flash CT which uses the Dual Energy CT method to conduct fast and accurate examinations to characterize body substances. The device has a special setting with reduced radiation levels for scanning children.
  • A Siemens Definition CT which supplies maximum precision and allows for – in addition to regular scans – CT-directed invasive procedures.

Contrast Agent

In some of the CT examinations, patients receive an intravenous contrast agent dosage. This colors the blood cells and soft tissues and – through imaging – facilitates characterization of processes occurring in the body. The contrast agent used at Shaare Zedek is very safe and based on macro molecules containing iodine. Having said that, there is a low risk of an allergic reaction to the contrast agent (not to the iodine). Therefore, before the examination, patients should say whether they:

  • Are allergic to the contrast agent
  • Are allergic to anything (those suffering from allergies are under greater risk of developing an allergy to the contrast agent)
  • Have a kidney function problem (at greater risk of increased problems as a result of the contrast agent)
    These things must be stated beforehand so the staff can assess alternative examination methods or adopt a preliminary drugs-based treatment that can reduce risks.

Examinations performed at the Institute:

  • Body Examinations: with particular emphasis on the problematic area. Each area has its own particular imaging technique.
  • Special Examinations:
    1. Cardiac CT (including virtual cardiac catheterization)
    2. Colonography CT (virtual colonoscopy)
    3. Characterizing substances for diagnosing gout and bladder stones
    4. Non-invasive catheterization (head and neck, stomach, limb arteries)
  • Invasive procedures: micro-invasive procedures conducted percutaneously, including biopsies, drainage and CT-directed treatment of growths.