דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

Unusual Delivery Situations

Labor Induction

Labor will be induced in the following situations:

  • If natural birth hasn't occurred after 42 weeks of pregnancy
  • The fetus's growth has slowed down
  • Not enough embryonic fluid
  • Preeclampsia (a pregnancy disorder characterized by high blood pressure and often a significant amount of protein in the urine)
  • The possibility of fetal distress
  • Oversized fetus (for instance, due to gestational diabetes)
  • Other situations

Forms of induction:

  • Rupturing the amniotic sac
  • Prostaglandins, a hormone that causes contractions, administered through the vagina
  • Pitocin, a hormone that causes contractions, administered intravenously
  • A cervical balloon, that causes the expansion of the cervix
    The method of induction will be determined by the doctor.

Turning Breech Babies

A fetus in a breech presentation can be turned around by external intervention (if the fetus remains in breech presentation, a C-section is recommended). The fetus can be turned if there is enough embryonic fluid, the placenta is intact, the fetus isn't too big or in distress and there are no known defects in the uterus. The procedure is performed at week 38 by a physician, in a delivery room.
After the procedure, the mother remains connected to a monitor for two hours, for surveillance. You will be discharged only after the doctor has confirmed the fetus is in good condition and you are not in labor.

Pathological Births

Vacuum Birth

A mechanical intervention using a vacuum-based device. This method is used in the following cases:

  • The fetus becomes distressed close to the crowning phase of the birth.
  • The head does not descend into the birth canal.
  • Other indications based on the doctors’ judgement.

After the vacuum cup is placed on the baby’s head, the doctor pulls it gently out. In such a case, a pediatrician will be present during the delivery and will examine the baby immediately after the birth.

Caesarean Section (C-section)

A C-section will be performed in three situations:

  • Elective surgery - scheduled in advance. A C-section will be scheduled in advance if there were two previous C-section births, if the fetus is in breech position, etc. Shaare Zedek Medical Center enables regular delivery even after two C-sections, providing the mother has had regular births in the past.
  • Semi-urgent surgery - performed in cases of fetal distress, lack of progress in the birth process and other medical considerations.
  • Urgent surgery - performed in cases of umbilical cord prolapse, a sharp drop in fetal heart rate and other emergency situations.
    The surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia (spinal/epidural). The surface incision is made on the underbelly and the uterus incision is usually done transversely on the lower part of the uterus. After surgery, the baby is taken to the nursery and the mother waits in the recovery room for two hours. She is then transferred to the maternity ward for a five-day hospitalization.