דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

The complete guide for a birth attendant

The woman preparing for childbirth is going through a physically demanding and painful process, and as her support person, you play a crucial role in providing emotional support, understanding, and care. Witnessing a loved one in pain can be challenging, but many caregivers describe childbirth as one of the most profound and rewarding experiences in their lives. It's important to support and assist her as much as possible to make these significant moments more enjoyable.

Here are some tips for caregivers:

  1. Ask questions: Doctors and midwives may not always provide thorough explanations for their actions and the necessity behind them. Learning and gathering information can help you approach the birth process with a calmer mindset, allowing you to better support the mother.
  2. Take care of yourself too: While the mother is the primary focus, you will also spend long hours in the hospital. Make sure to take care of your own needs by stocking up on food and drinks to sustain yourself throughout the process.
  3. Be flexible: There are various methods available to manage labor pains. Your role is to explore and determine what suits the mother best. Even before the expected due date, have conversations about expectations and available options. Find out who the mother would like to have present in the delivery room and be prepared to adapt and act accordingly based on the situation.
  4. Provide support: While experienced professionals will be present, you are the most important support person for the mother. How can you make her feel comfortable? Fulfill her requests, whether it's getting her drinks from the cafeteria or calling the midwife. Be her coach, advocate, and source of encouragement.
  5. Avoid taking offense or keeping score: Refrain from deciding what is good or pleasant for the mother. Offer suggestions and respond to her requests, even if they seem unusual. Don't insist on food or drinks if she doesn't want them. Offer massages if appropriate, but also be open to providing her with rest and quiet if that's what she prefers.
  6. Recognize your limitations: The delivery room can be a busy and intense environment. Understand what you are capable of doing during the birth process and trust the decisions made by healthcare professionals.
  7. Be prepared to take charge: The mother may be unable to make challenging decisions during labor. Be ready to step in and make decisions when necessary.
  8. Be patient: Contrary to what is often portrayed in movies, labor contractions can last for hours before the mother is admitted to the hospital. It is advisable to spend the initial stages of childbirth at home until contractions become regular and closer together. However, if there is a rupture of membranes or bleeding, head for the hospital immediately.
  9. Be present: This is one of those moments where simply being there by her side is crucial. Even if most of the practical aspects are handled by professionals, your presence is invaluable. It's worth the effort!

(Adapted from an article in Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper)