דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

Some tips to help prepare the family for the arrival of the new baby

Before Birth:

Welcoming a new baby into the family is a process that begins before the birth. Here are some tips to involve siblings in the preparations for the baby's arrival:

1. Topics for Conversation: Read books about babies with your children and discuss their feelings about babies. Show them pictures of breastfeeding or bottle-feeding and explain how they were fed as babies. Talk about what they can expect from the new baby, such as crying, sleeping, and feeding routines. Emphasize the need for the mother to rest and have quiet time after the baby arrives.

2. Activities: Look at souvenirs from when your children were babies, such as photos and favorite clothes. Involve them in preparing for the new baby by organizing clothes and decorating the baby's room. Make changes to routines gradually, such as moving to a different bed or room, several weeks before the baby is born. Arrange for your children to stay with a trusted caregiver during your hospital stay.

3. Reality Shot: Take your children to a prenatal visit where they can meet the doctor, see an ultrasound of the baby, and hear the heartbeat. If possible, introduce them to a friend's newborn baby and let them observe feeding.


During the Hospital Stay:

When visiting the hospital after the baby is born, keep the following in mind:

1. Signs of Illness: If your children show signs of illness like high fever, coughing, rash, or vomiting, it's best to avoid bringing them to the hospital.

2. Quality Time: Plan a short visit for your children to spend time with you before introducing them to the new baby. Consider having a birthday celebration for the baby with songs and treats.

3. Activities: If the visit is longer, plan activities like reading a book, playing with toys from home, or going on a small outing with another adult.


At Home:

After bringing the baby home, consider the following:

1. Regressive Behavior: Older children may show regressive behavior as they adjust to the new baby. Encourage them to express their feelings and talk about their experiences.

2. Feeding Time: Prepare nutritious snacks for older children to enjoy while you feed the baby. Have a bag of quiet activities ready for them during feeding times.

3. Quality Time: Make sure to spend quality time with your older children while the baby is with a caregiver or family member. Plan special activities like going to a movie or attending school events.


For School-Age Siblings:


Maintain open communication with your school-age children throughout the pregnancy, birth, and hospital stay. Encourage them to help with baby care if they find it enjoyable. Clearly define what tasks they can do and what requires adult assistance. Remember to give each child individual attention and make them feel valued and loved.


Overall, involving siblings in the preparation process and providing support and understanding will help the family adjust to the new addition and strengthen sibling bonds.