דלג לתפריט הראשי (מקש קיצור n) דלג לתוכן הדף (מקש קיצור s) דלג לתחתית הדף (מקש קיצור 2)

In the Delivery Room

Childbirth is a natural process. The midwife is there to accompany you in this process. She will come in to check up on you and your progress, and will remain to assist you during the more advanced stages. You can use a bell, located next to the bed, to call her if necessary.

Before you go into the delivery room, you may be offered an enema (to empty your bowels) and a shower. Admittance to the delivery room means you're in active birth, so a nurse will attach an IV line and draw blood to be sent to the lab. You'll receive fluids if necessary and you’ll be hooked up to a monitor to make sure all your systems are working as expected.

As the birth progresses and your cervix becomes dilated, we'll wait for the head of the fetus to descend in the birth canal and finish its rotation. The doctors in the delivery room will monitor your progress and give instructions as need be.

At the final stage of the delivery, the pushing stage, the midwife will be by your side and instruct you how to correctly breathe and push. When the baby starts crowning, a second midwife will enter the room to assist.

After the baby comes out, he or she will be placed on your stomach. After the umbilical cord is cut we'll measure the baby, warm him or her and attach bracelets with his or her information after you and your partner have confirmed all the details. Finally, the midwife will wrap the baby and perform an Apgar test.

While you and your partner start to become acquainted with your new baby, the midwife will check on your placenta and if it's detached, will help it out safely.

Sometimes an incision of the perineum needs to be made during childbirth to prevent tearing or to get the baby out quicker. If such an incision was made, a physician will stitch it up after the placenta comes out.

Once the entire delivery process is over, you may try breastfeeding your baby if you wish. This first feeding is important for establishing the bond between you and your child and for stimulating the creation of colostrum (the first milk). If you experience difficulty with breastfeeding, the midwife can help you and you'll receive further assistance from the nurses and the breastfeeding instructors in the maternity ward.

Before transferring you to the maternity ward, we'll measure your blood pressure, the amount of bleeding, and the progression of your uterine contraction. After being admitted to the ward, you'll receive a bag with a few items to help you through your first day (absorbent pads, a bathrobe, a towel, etc.). The nurses are available to answer all your questions and guide you through your first days as a new mother.
